Search for tag: "instructor"
Associating a Discussion Activity to a Learning ObjectiveThis video demonstrates how to associate a discussion topic to a learning objective in D2L.
From Justin Mays
20 plays
Associating a Quiz Score to a Learning ObjectiveThis video demonstrates how to associate a quiz score (overall) to a learning objective in D2L.
From Justin Mays
28 plays
Associating Quiz Questions to a Learning ObjectiveThis video demonstrates how to associate select questions from a quiz to a learning objective in D2L.
From Justin Mays
28 plays
D2L Competencies - Tracking Competency Achievement - InstructorThis video explains how competencies are achieved and how learner progress through competency structures is tracked in the Competencies tool in D2L.
From Justin Mays
2 plays
D2L - Competencies - Add and Remove Associations - InstructorThis video demonstrates how to add and remove associations between competency structure elements in the Competencies tool in D2L.
From Justin Mays
10 plays
D2L - Competencies - Create a Competency - InstructorThis video demonstrates how to create a competency in the Competencies tool in D2L.
From Justin Mays
1 plays